In this tutorial we are going to add authentication via Google.
We’re going to use Socialite.
Step 1 : Install Package
Install following package from official laravel site
composer require laravel/socialite
Step 2 : Add provider
Add service provider & alias in config file
return [
"providers" => [
"aliases" => [
"Socialite" => Laravel\Socialite\Facades\Socialite::class,
Step 3 : Config file
These providers follow the OAuth 2.0.
Google authenticator require a client_id, client_secret and redirect url.
First, add the values to the config file because socialite will be looking for them in following file : config/services.php
return [
"google" => [
"client_id" => env("GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID"),
"client_secret" => env("GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET"),
"redirect" => "/auth/google/callback",
Step 4 : Create OAuth client ID in Google
Create project in google console & create OAuth client ID form following link :
and add created credential step 3
Step 5 : Add Routes
add following routes in routes/web.php
Route::get("/auth/google/redirect", "Front\AuthGoogleController@redirect");
Route::get("/auth/google/callback", "Front\AuthGoogleController@callback");
Step 6 : Create controller
Create controller & add following methods in that.
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Front;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\User;
use Auth;
use Exception;
use Socialite;
class AuthGoogleController extends Controller {
public function redirect() {
return Socialite::driver("google")->redirect();
public function callback() {
try {
/*...get data from google...*/
$googleUserDetail = Socialite::driver("google")->user();
/*...user detail...*/
$userDetail = User::where("email", $googleUserDetail->email)->first();
if (empty($userDetail) || $userDetail->count() < 0) {
/*...create new user...*/
$userDetail = new User;
$userDetail->name = $googleUserDetail->name;
$userDetail->email = $googleUserDetail->email;
$userDetail->google_id = $googleUserDetail->id;
$userDetail->password = bcrypt($googleUserDetail->email);
$userDetailSave = $userDetail->save();
if ($userDetailSave) {
return redirect()->route("admin_login")->with(["error-message" => "Something went wrong! Please try again."]);
return redirect()->route("admin_profile_view");
} catch (Exception $e) {
return redirect()->route("admin_login")->with(["error-message" => "Something went wrong! Please try again."]);
That's all friends.