In this tutorial we are going to merge multiple images into one image.
We’re going to use intervention image package for that.
Step 1 : Install Package
Install following package
composer require intervention/image
Step 2 : Add provider
Add service provider & alias in config file
return [
"providers" => [
"aliases" => [
"Image" => Intervention\Image\Facades\Image::class,
Step 3 : Create controller
create new controller & past below code.
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use Image;
class ImageController extends Controller {
public $_ImgPath = "/app/public/image/";
public function stepFirst(Request $_request) {
ini_set("memory_limit", -1);
/*...images name in array...*/
if ($_request->has("images") && !empty($_request->images)) {
$imageNameString = $_request->images[0];
/*...if multiple images...*/
if (count($_request->images) > 1) {
$allWidth = $allHeight = [];
$canvasWidth = $canvasHeight = 0;
$imageNameString = Str::random(30) . ".png";
/*...get all images height & width for make/merger new image...*/
foreach ($_request->images as $imagesKey => $imagesName) {
$allImg = Image::make(storage_path($this->_ImgPath . "/" . $imagesName));
$allWidth[] = $allImg->width();
$imgHeight = $allImg->height();
$allHeight[] = $imgHeight;
$canvasHeight += $imgHeight;
/*...max width...*/
$canvasWidth = max($allWidth);
/*...make empty canvas with max height width...*/
$img = Image::canvas($canvasWidth, $canvasHeight);
$img->save(storage_path($this->_ImgPath . "/" . $imageNameString));
/*...append images to canvas...*/
foreach ($_request->images as $imagesKey => $imagesName) {
/*...get offset for append image at bottom of canvas...*/
$totalWidth = $totalHeight = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $imagesKey; $i++) {
$totalWidth += $allWidth[$i];
$totalHeight += $allHeight[$i];
/*...get canvas...*/
$img = Image::make(storage_path($this->_ImgPath . "/" . $imageNameString));
/*...append image at top with offset...*/
$appendImg = Image::make(storage_path($this->_ImgPath . "/" . $imagesName));
$img->insert($appendImg, "top", 0, $totalHeight);
$img->save(storage_path($this->_ImgPath . "/" . $imageNameString));
return redirect()->back();
That's all friends.